2 September 2015

Poor Man's Galapagos aka Isla de la Plata

Earlier in the year my brother visited Galapagos with some friends. I wanted to join them but I couldn't really swallow the +$2500 price tag for a tour of 6 or 7 days. That kind of money can go a long way over here! 

So I consulted the oracle that is Google to find out exactly what I wouldn't be able to see in Australia and it ended up being a lot of birds, land and marine iguanas and oversized tortoises. I then checked with my brother to see what his review of Galapagos was and what I might miss. His response (verbatim) "Sea and land iguanas. It's mainly just wildlife on some islands".... Hah. Thank you Christian. And so the decision was made. Poor Man's Galapagos (Isla de la Plata) would suffice. 

We got the boat out from Puerto Lopez and luckily were also in time for whale season. Within minutes of leaving the shore we were cruising along with three whales beside our boat. And on the way back from the island we saw several more putting on a bit of a show.

Cool hey. I love whales especially when they come for free. 

Once we arrived at the island we had plenty of turtles they'd arranged to greet us which was very nice. Apparently they enjoy a bit of lettuce when they can get it. Here's one saying 'Hola'. Spanish speaking turtles obviously. 

So we preceded to the island for our hike (cue the rain). Oh and I know it looks freezing but it's not...just really overcast.

Just so you know, 'plata' means silver so it's Silver Island. Spaghetti O thought the guides said that the white stuff on the island reflects in the water on the full moon and looks silver. The white stuff by the way is Blue Footed Booby faeces. Jackpot!

Here's a couple of the weird little creatures now...

I'm not sure if this is an unfair judgement but I'm going to say they're not the sharpest tools. Cute though. Yay for boobies!

And then we went snorkelling...and saw some cool fish and sub sea creatures. When the guide said (in Spanish) they had 'Sea Wolves', I immediately pictured a wolf underwater. Turns out that's how they say sea lion in Spanish. Oh snap! Luckily they don't have blonde moments here. EspanLOLs indeed. 

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