So we went to the Pumapungo Museum here in Cuenca. I was nearly ejected by the security guard multiple times for overstepping the tape (or remnants of should I say) in front of the displays. Besides the excitement of my brush with security we also got to see some shrunken heads! For reference they were about the size of a large mango.
For further information on head shrinking (now illegal in Ecuador and presumably most other countries in the world) please consult the fine source of knowledge, Wikipedia (below) and for your viewing pleasure please enjoy these photos of the heads on display in the Museo Pumapungo.
I'm sure I've read these early posts but I'm re-reading for continuity. Are the hairstyles on the shrunken heads real? Or are they wigs? Also, given that a shrunken head is the size of a mango, maybe this is what the inside of Jules's head looks like. Please advise on likelihood.