I wasn't sure if I'd like El Salvador since the general feeling is that it's 'dangerous' and I knew it was less touristy than most other Central American countries so I hadn't planned how long to stay. Since I was enjoying it so much I decided to head to a town called Santa Ana to climb a volcano.
In other countries they'd hit you up $30USD to get driven to the volcano, have a guide in English and then return. Well not in El Salvador. The almost 1 hour bus ride cost 90 cents. I paid $2 to enter the park and $1 to the volunteer guide. Two cops also joined us as is customary here and off we went. Bargain volcano.
Here's a picture of the tougher volcano I chose not to climb. What I've learnt about volcanoes from an experience in Greece is that they're hot, dusty and often smelly. They are far more enjoyable from afar.
When I consulted the Internet on other things to do in Santa Ana it informed me that people visit mainly to appreciate the architecture of the theatre and church. Here's a photo of the theatre for you to marvel at. And well the church was under refurbishment so I didn't even bother to take a photo. Yep, glad I didn't just come for that.
The weird thing about Santa Ana is that it becomes a ghost town almost as soon as it gets dark. People just do not go out. All the restaurants are closed or empty and it's kinda creepy. I cooked in the hostel but they recommended to everyone to order takeaway food. Very strange place indeed!
Anyway, I'd already spent my two minutes marvelling at the architecture so I was happy just to hit up the volcano. I got the bus out there in the morning with a group of people from the hostel, all there for the same reason.
The walk up took maybe two hours and was fairly pleasant and shady most of the way up. The view of the neighbouring volcano was lovely too.
Once at the top the scenery changed a bit. This is what it looked like at the summit.
And the coolest thing about this volcano was that it had a crater lake at the top. The colour was a crazy radioactive looking blue due to the sulphur content. Pretty cool hey!?
As you do in these parts of the world we bumped into a stray dog on top of the volcano obviously taking himself for a walk. And after enjoying the view and a banana we headed back down for the bus.
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